Sky is not the limit... Be The Sky Girl!

Hey Sky Girls! Welcome to our blog.
As you probably noticed, a lot of changes have recently taken place here ... And that's what we wanted to tell you ... about changes, motivation to them, about getting out of your comfort zone and about making dreams come true. One of our friends told us once that every person in his/her life gets a specific and finite dose of energy. We have a choice and we will either use it to fulfill the goals of someone else, or we will start to fulfill our own goals. Our dream of living our own values has materialized in our brand - Be The Sky Girl. This is how the most beautiful and the most awesome adventure of our life began ...
Always fly high!
We are friends who follow similar principles and values in life. Every day we try to implement our plans and dreams, although it is not always easy to combine many roles we have in our lives. On our way, we also meet other women whom we call Sky Girls. These are the girls who are not afraid of flying high... they know what they want and they have the courage to fight for it. They are independent and at the same time open to the world and people. They have a lot of energy, passion and this spark in their eyes that attract (not only) male looks and makes them sexy and confident. With all their leadership qualities, they remain feminine, sensitive and delicate. They remain committed to their values, they are themselves and ... they are not perfect. Sky Girls are an everyday inspiration for many women. They give energy, motivate to act, remove the word "impossible" from the dictionary and spread a colorful aura. Each of you certainly met a Sky Girl on your way ...
(Super)natural cosmetics
We have decided to create for you cosmetics that are natural and sexy and that combine nature with modernity and which allow for multitasking care. We want to open women to independence, freedom and respect for themselves and their bodies through the use of natural cosmetics. We are often asked: Why natural cosmetics? Are you cosmetologists? No, we are not! We are women who appreciate high quality, natural ingredients and interesting design and cooperating with the best cosmetic professionals in this country, we make our dreams come true. Besides, our goal is not only to make the highest quality natural cosmetic, but we also want Be The Sky Girl to support and encourage women so that they are not afraid of flying high in fulfilling their dreams. A cosmetic is an ideal transmitter of this message, because girls start and end their day with it. In addition, the smells of our cosmetics definitely motivate to fly ...
You'll fall several times before you learn how to fly ...
Girls, and it's not that everything must be done at the first time! ... It happens that our wrong decisions turn out to be the most important lesson in life... The most important thing is not to drown out your inner voice, because sometimes it's really easy to miss this barely audible whisper, and some of us do everything not to hear it, even if it's a loud scream. There is no ready recipe for success, sometimes you have to fall several times to learn to fly, but these falls can be the most valuable lessons. When Sky Girl falls, she uses three packs of tissues in one evening, and the next day she gets up, adjust her crown and ... goes on.